Okmetic will be participating in ISES US Power

We are happy to announce that Okmetic will be participating in the International Semiconductor Executive Summits (ISES) US Power on 25-26 September 2024!

Power electronics will play a key role in technological solutions in reducing CO2 emissions and increasing energy efficiency. ISES US Power brings together power semiconductor professionals from around the globe, providing opportunities to learn from and engage with industry leaders. The event will cover a wide variety of topics regarding power electronics, which makes it a great opportunity to learn about advancements in GaN-on-Si manufacturability, WBG applications, power packaging and much more.

Okmetic Power wafer line provides an optimal platform for the manufacture of various power devices. Our power device optimized wafer solutions improve power device performance, reduce Total Cost of Ownership and enable more refined designs.

Read more about our Power wafer line: Power Wafer Line | Okmetic