Okmetic CTO Atte Haapalinna to give a presentation at ISES USA 2023
Okmetic CTO, Dr. Atte Haapalinna, will be giving a presentation in the upcoming International Semiconductor Executive Summits – USA, which will be held in Arizona on March 7-8 in partnership with Greater Phoenix Economic Council.
His topic of discussion is: Advanced Silicon Wafers for Optimized MEMS and RF Device Performance. Here’s a glimpse of the presentation:
“Advanced silicon wafers can greatly improve MEMS and RF device performance and precision, and they can also effectively remove some of the burden in the front-end operations. Bonded Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) wafers’ high degree of device layer specification flexibility and high thickness uniformity drive for improved MEMS device performance and precision, design freedom and miniaturization. The use of hermetically sealed structures enabled by Cavity SOI (C-SOI®) wafers also enable more streamlined MEMS manufacture and cost-savings. High resistivity wafers with highly efficient trap-rich layer and optional ultra-flat wafer geometries provide optimized wafer solution even for the most demanding RF filter and device requirements. They enable RF filters to reach superior performance in terms of very low second harmonics and IMD3 levels, low insertion losses and excellent Q values.”
In addition to the presentation, we couldn’t be more excited to meet industry leaders on site. Take a closer look at the agenda and register now via the link here.