Lab4MEMS project was recognized with European Innovation Award
The Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) Joint Undertaking announced the Lab4MEMS project as the winner of its 2016 Innovation Award in the European Nanoelectronics Forum, held in Rome, Italy. Okmetic was happy to be part of this 28 million euro and 36 month-long project generating excellent results and high impact for the entire MEMS field. Okmetic was able to start a pilot line producing 200 mm high quality wafers with a new process technology leading to successful commercial production.
The key target for the project was to develop processes such as piezoelectric (PZT) deposition for mass production and integrate them into complex MEMS processes to enable improvements such as larger displacement, higher sensing functionality and greater energy density. These enhanced processes will be used to build smart sensors, actuators, micro pumps, and energy harvesters meeting the future market needs of data-storage, ink-jet, healthcare, automotive, industrial-control, and smart-building applications, as well as consumer applications such as smartphones and navigation devices.