Katja Parkkinen held a speech at Incize RF Workshop
Last week, Okmetic participated in the Incize RF Workshop to celebrate the company’s 10-year anniversary. Given their prominent position in semiconductor characterization and modeling, it’s no surprise that the event featured an exceptionally compelling line-up of RF professionals.
During the workshop, our Senior Product Development Engineer Katja Parkkinen held a speech titled “Silicon wafers enabling 5G and 6G technologies”. Ms. Parkkinen provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges facing RF device manufacturers in the new 5G bands and higher frequencies and highlighted how Engineered High Resistivity wafers help alleviate the trade-offs between steep skirts, low insertion losses and wide bandwidths.
Our Engineered High Resistivity and Engineered Ultra High Resistivity wafers offer exceptional linearity and minimal losses in RF devices, thanks to their dual properties: high resistivity silicon mitigates bulk conductivity, while the trap-rich layer reduces surface conductivity. Learn how Okmetic RFSi® wafers drive superior RF performance and explore the RF measurements conducted by Incize on our website.