Innovation award to Aalto University Professor Hele Savin for black silicon cell
Collaboration with Professor Hele Savin started in 2001 and we have had since then several research projects. During these projects our understanding has deepened especially in defects generated during wafer processing and on the behavior of impurities as well as measurement of their contents.
In 2015, the research team led by Savin reached a record in the efficiency of nanoscale engineered solar cells. Black Silicon clearly improves the efficiency of cells, and this is being tested together in an ongoing research project. A new photodiode structure was developed as a by-product of the work; Nature Photonics journal published an article on it in the autumn of 2016.
Warm congratulations to Hele Savin and her research team for the first innovation award for women. The award was given by Maria Lohela, Speaker of Parliament.
Read more at Aalto University website: Innovation award for women goes to Professor Hele Savin (link is external)