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Okmetic appoints Vesa-Pekka Lempinen Chief Quality Officer making quality the highest priority

Dr. Tzu-Yin Chiu appointed as NSIG’s President

The long-awaited third edition of Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies is out now

Okmetic participates in Semicon Europa on 12-15 November

Okmetic’s parent company NSIG listed on the SSE STAR market

Okmetic’s operations are stable despite globally worsening COVID-19 situation

Okmetic’s production running normally

Okmetic is making efforts to minimize COVID-19’s effect on its operations

Okmetic’s CTO Atte Haapalinna is giving a speech at Shanghai RF-SOI Workshop

Okmetic’s Customer Support Engineer Päivi Sievilä is giving a speech at MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit

Anna-Riikka Vuorikari-Antikainen appointed CCO

Okmetic participates in MEMS Sensing Network System on 29-31 January

Okmetic’s Anna-Riikka Vuorikari-Antikainen elected as SMG’s Vice Chairman

Meet you at MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress on 22-24 October