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Okmetic participating in CMC Seminar 23 October

Okmetic is participating in MSEC

Okmetic will be participating in ISES US Power

Okmetic participates in the ECSA project to respond to the shortage of semiconductor professionals

Okmetic is participating in SEMICON Taiwan

Okmetic participating Beijing Microelectronics International Symposium

Jim Reed held a speech at Semicon West 2024

Okmetic commits to Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to strengthen its sustainability work

The Sustainability Report for 2023 has been published

COP level management enhancing power device reliability and yield

New strategy outlines growth opportunities for Finnish semiconductor industry

Join Okmetic at IMS2024 on 16-21 June 2024, in Washington, DC

Katja Parkkinen held a speech at Incize RF Workshop

Dr. Akiko Gädda gave a speech at the MEF